+++ SOON +++
REMAINS OF A BROKEN SPIRIT | solo exhibition (curated by Michael Biedowicz) @ Kronenboden, Berlin [dates tba ~ fall 2025]
THEATRE Rauflust (dir. Herbert Fritsch) @ Theater Freiburg [premiere 17.04.25] | acting / live music (piano)
THEATRE Woyzeck (dir. Mizgin Bilmen) @ Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe [premiere 15.02.25] | music (composition / recording / soundtrack)
Featured at art karlsruhe [20. - 23.02.2025] with micro film series Reflux
2025 passé
Illustrations for Die Deutsche Bühne magazine, issue 2025/01 [Schwerpunkt »Budgetkürzungen: Was ist uns das Theater noch wert?«]
"Ich kam zur Welt und lebe trotzdem weiter" - Erich Kästner neu interpretiert | Musical reading @ Zebrano theatre with Sebastian Krämer, Martin Betz, Johannes Kirchberg, Philipp Riedel | voice / piano / song
Sehschärfenbestimmung 2024 | group exhibition @ Rotlicht Festival (analog photography festival, Vienna) [Vernissage 25.11.24] – Exhibit thus selected for Zrno international festival of alternative photography 2025
THE STRANGER STARING BACK | solo exhibition @ Rotlicht Festival (analog photography festival, Vienna) [Vernissage 18.11.24]
Represented by Management Goldschmidt from November 2024
Micro film series Reflux (via Instagram) in collaboration with SWR / @SWRKultur
Part of the SWR Talentnetzwerk from October 2024 (via Instagram)
Residency scholarship (one month (August) spent in Nuremberg) awarded by Zumikon foundation
Performances with Arcis Saxophone Quartet | live illustration on stage backdrops during concert e.g. @ Bergson (Munich)
THE FEMALE SHOW | group exhibition (curated by Josephine Kaiser) @ Projektraum Munich Art [Vernissage 07.03.24] | one artwork on display
THEATRE Bilder deiner großen Liebe (dir. Katharina Kummer) @ Theater Chemnitz [premiere 02.03.24] | stage design / costume design / makeup / acting
THEATRE Das Portal (dir. Herbert Fritsch) @ Schauspiel Stuttgart [premiere 19.01.24] | live music, piano (improv, classical, jazz) / acting (3 roles, 25 quick changes) +++ nachtkritik.de review +++
POSTCARDS TO NOBODY | Solo exhibition @ Rotlicht Festival (analog photography festival, Vienna) [POSTPONED]
Graffiti artwork and exhibition concept for a live event by twitch
Illustrated press wall (2m x 8m) for POLYTON pop music award
Piano accompaniment of the annual award ceremony by DGPh (German Society for Photography) 28.10.24 | presented by Matthias Matschke | location: Museum Barberini (Potsdam)
Experimental micro film series: Soliloquy, published on Instagram (222 clips, uploaded daily)
Public Breakdown Nr. 1 solo piano show, @ Club der Polnischen Versager
THEATRE Intervention! (dir. Leander Haußmann) @ Thalia Theater, Hamburg | artistic accompaniment / illustration / documentation / rehearsal trailer / official trailer
Photographs featured in the November issue of opera magazine Das Opernglas (cover and article about Elbenita Kajtazi) and tipBerlin
Die Deutsche Bühne magazine | cover and feature article in the October edition
OPERA Der Fliegende Holländer (dir. Herbert Fritsch) @ Komische Oper Berlin | oil painting (prop) / illustration / filmic documentation / rehearsal trailer
MAGNA XII tarot tapestry group exhibition by • weberei • @ MaHalla Berlin | two collaborative artworks on display
OPERA Carmen (dir. Herbert Fritsch) @ Staatsoper Hamburg | stage design (surfaces) / filmic documentation / interview trailer / program illustrations
Festival diary for Ruhrfestspiele | concept / illustration / layout / newspaper interview
THEATRE Die Jagdgesellschaft (dir. Herbert Fritsch) @ Deutsches SchauSpielHaus Hamburg [premiere 02.04.2022] | stage design / acting /program comic / filmic documentation / rehearsal trailer
CASANOVA WAS HERE solo exhibition at Einar & Bert | concept / hanging / vernissage 19.11.2021 (until Feb. 2022)
UdK acting class 2018-2022 graduation program | illustration
DAS GOLDENE HAUS by share | two week live art installation / illustration / podium talk
'About Me' introductory films for actors (Hêvîn Tekin / Jens Grunwald / Theres Eglinski) | film / edit
Book illustrations for Marcel J. Paul
Macht der Stille (dir. Inken Paland) film | acting
Illustration / packaging design for AUFRECHT
FRITSCH AND FRIENDS illustrated puzzle (publisher Mujo Art) | illustration / layout / funding campaign
Theater Heute (Nr. 6 | May 2021), tip Magazine (Nr. 9 | 2021) | poster features (Soli-Aktion)
Soli-Aktion by Berliner Ensemble | illustrated poster / interview / poster campaign in Berlin city
The Interview (dir. Summa Cilem) experimental short film | acting and narration
BERLINFLUENCER project, wir.berlin | t-shirt illustration for Saskia Jung
Adventsgeflüster on culture blog Die Kulturflüsterin | daily illustrations
Featured artist on ZUM GLÜCK BERLINER
Rechtverblüffend magazine | illustrations
Die Geschichte vom fliegenden Kaugummi (Sven van Thom) | illustrated music video
Liebeslieder an Deine Tante (Sebastian Krämer) | artwork / layout for CD and LP
Westart (WDR, 21.03.2020), HERBERT | interview
WELT AM SONNTAG (Nr. 11 | 2020) „Eine Droge ohne Schaden“ (HERBERT) | illustration feature
THEATRE HERBERT (dir. Herbert Fritsch, Herbert Grönemeyer) @ Schauspielhaus Bochum [CANCELLED] | acting
THEATRE Amphitryon (dir. Herbert Fritsch) @ Schaubühne Berlin | illustrated program-leporello / cinematic documentation
The History of Music Videos (dir. Dirk Kesseler) animated short film | narration
THEATRE Wheeler (dir. Oliver Reese) @ Berliner Ensemble | program illustrations
Vergnügte Elegien (Sebastian Krämer) | artwork / layout for CD and LP
RUHE one-take short film (dir. Felix Kubiak) | acting
SANDAK self-care-app for refugees (initiated by University Leipzig) | animation